Print Page Button
Trigger browser print dialog on clicking element with ID 'print'.
By Digipop
Validation - Website
Validates URLs using regex and handles validation on input blur.
By Jared Malan
Set localStorage
Store an array of surfer names in localStorage as a JSON string.
By Jared Malan
Fetch - Get
A JavaScript code snippet that fetches data from a URL, converts the response to JSON, and logs the data or any error to the console.
By Jared Malan
Validation - Email
Validates email format and handles invalid input on blur event.
By Jared Malan
Fetch - Delete
Delete a resource via API using JavaScript's fetch with DELETE method.
By Jared Malan
Fetches and displays job listings from Greenhouse API, with department-based filtering.
By Green Malan
Pointer events
CSS classes to control pointer events: .pointer-events-off disables interactions, .pointer-events-on enables interactions.
By Jared Malan
Fetch - Post
This code sends a POST request with JSON data to a specific URL, processes the JSON response, and handles any errors.
By Jared Malan
Random Content
Dynamically loads HTML content based on a random number to enhance user experience.
By Jared Malan
Set Hidden Input Value From URL Parameters
Retrieve URL parameter and set it to a hidden input field.
By Corey Moen
Fetch - Put
Update server resource via PUT request using Fetch API.
By Jared Malan
Improved Font Rendering
CSS for font smoothing, text rendering, and scroll behavior on the body element.
By Jared Malan
Number to Currency
Formats a string input as US dollar currency without decimal places.
By Jared Malan
Wes Pagination
A JavaScript script for handling pagination on a webpage by fetching and displaying content from the next or previous page without reloading the page.
By Jared Malan
Text Highlight Color
CSS code for high-contrast text selection: black background and white text.
By Jared Malan
Back to Previous Page Button
Navigate browser history with custom buttons using jQuery.
By Corey Moen
Restart IX2
Reset, initialize, and prepare Webflow interactions for optimal functionality.
By Web Bae