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Performance Optimization
Event Handling

Handle Resize

By Jared Malan
This JavaScript code snippet is designed to optimize the performance of web applications by controlling how often certain functions are executed during the window resize event. It uses a technique called debouncing to limit the rate at which the rerenderEls function is called.

  • resizeIt variable: A variable used to store a timeout, allowing the previous timeout to be cleared when the window is resized again before the timeout completes.
  • handleResize(): This function is triggered whenever the window resize event occurs. It clears any existing timeout stored in resizeIt and sets a new timeout. If the window is not resized again within 100 milliseconds, the rerenderEls function is called.
  • rerenderEls(): This function should contain the logic to update or rerender elements on the page. This function is called after the window has been resized and there has been a pause in resize events for 100 milliseconds.
  • The handleResize function is bound to the window's resize event, ensuring that it is called every time the window size changes.

This setup helps in reducing the number of times rerenderEls is called during rapid or continuous resizing, thereby helping in improving the performance by reducing the workload on the browser.